Do you want an efficient, streamlined business? Do you want consistency and profit? Do you want knowledgable, focused employees?

Hopkins Systematizing Process will help you achieve your business goals.

Our staff will help you develop your very own custom Business System Manual that can be printed or posted internally on your network for easy reference by team members and includes the following:

  • Organizational Chart showing who is responsible for every position or function in your business
  • Key Business Areas Defined with KPI’s for each area so that your teams know what is important to a well functioning company
  • Job Descriptions for every position so that each of your team members know exactly what to do
  • Policies and Procedures that every team member in your business can quickly and easily reference
  • KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) for each position so that your team members know how their performance is being measured and rewarded
  • Flow Charts showing how work flows through your business


Get control of the chaos in your life and business.
Eliminate team conflicts and business partnership deadlocks.
Develop a sure-fire way to get your customers to come back over and over.


Attract and retain top-performing employees who can run your business for you!